
What are the chemicals that can be found in the excreted smokes of gasoline powered cars?

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What are the chemicals that can be found in the excreted smokes of gasoline powered cars?




  1. Typical Engine Combustion:

    Fuel + Air ==>>  Nitrogen + Carbon Dioxide + Nitrogen Oxides + Carbon Monoxide + Hydrocarbons + water

    Although the largest part, by far, of most combustion gases is relatively harmless nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), a relatively very small part of it is undesirable noxious or toxic substances, such as carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter.

    Hydrocarbon emissions are fragments fuel molecules, only partially burned. Hydrocarbons react in the presence of nitrogen oxides and sunlight to form ground-level ozone, a major component of smog. Ozone irritates the eyes, damages the lungs, and aggravates respiratory problems. A number of exhaust hydrocarbons are also toxic, with the potential to cause cancer.

  2. Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide if the car has a catalytic converter which they all should.

  3. C8H18 (gasoline) + Nitrogen + Oxygen =

    With complete combustion:



    With incomplete combustion:

    CO (carbon monoxide)-Poison

    CO2 (carbon dioxide)-erroneously blamed for global warming

    H20 (water)

    Unburned hydrocarbons (gasoline molecules that were broken apart by temperature and compression, but not burned)-major component of smog

    Nitrogen oxides (nitrogen fused with oxygen because the combustion of gasoline was too hot)-major component of smog

  4. I agree with the last answer...and it's nearly the same for "cigarette smoke!!!!!" So ,to all you non-smokers who drive big 4x4 cars.....attatch a hosepipe to your exhaust pipe and put it through a  window of your car and if you live long enough to come back to yahoo answers....??? you can complain about all those environmental issues that affect us,try "hemp bio fuel".

  5. If your gasoline powered car is smoking, you need to get it fixed.  A well tuned engine in good conditions will not smoke.

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