
What are the children of a Duke and Duchess called?

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I was wondering because I heard that if they had a son that he would be a lord and that if they had a daughter she would be a lady. Is this correct or not? And if not what are they called?

Thanks for your answers!!!




  1. Whatever they were christened.

  2. yes, Lord and Lady, then the eldest son will inherit his fathers title when his father dies.  

  3. Prince and Princess

  4. You are quite right. They are called the Honourable Lord So-and-so or the Honourable Lady So-and-so. They only acquire a title on the death of their father, if a boy, or her marriage, if a girl.

  5. If the Duke and Duchess are untitled royalty,the eldest son takes up the next title down of his father:Marquess. He is announced formally as The Most Honorable the Marquess of--.When speaking to him,he is called upon greeting Lord--,then,"My Lord."

    Younger sons and daughters are Lords and Ladies.

    A royal duke's children are princes and princesses,unless other titles are chosen for them.

  6. Marquess soandso and Lady somesuch. Upon the Dukes death, the eldest son will inherit the title of Duke. The younger brothers will remain Marquess's and the daughters will obtain their husband's title with marriage.

  7. Generally this is correct except in the case of the eldest son if there is a subsidiary title attached to the Dukedom by which the heir is usually known. Examples would be the Duke of Kent's eldest son who is the Earl of St Andrews. His 2nd son is Lord Nicholas Windsor and his daughter is Lady Helen Taylor. The Earl of Wessex's son is Viscount Severn and his daughter is Lady Louise Mountbatten Windsor.

  8. George, Duke of Kentis the uncle to Queen Elizabeth II. He died in WWII at a young age, and has 23 descendents. George is generation 1, and the other generations are designated 2,3, and 4.


    The three children all are entitled to Prince and Princess because they are grandchildren of a monarch through a male son.


    The oldest son inheirted the title, Duke of Kent.


    His son, George, has a subsidiary title of his father (Earl of St Andrews), and he holds it by courtesy as heir apparent to the Dukedom of Kent.


    Note that Lord and Lady only go through generation #3 and #4 if it is via a male. If not, there is no style at all. So all the descendents of Princess Alexandra have no style or title at all.


    The only children in generation #4 to be called Lord and Lady are via the main line of descent from the Duke. Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick (age 19) is second in line to inherit the throne, after is father (age 46). As the direct heir he also is entitled to a courtesy title that belongs to his grandfather, Lord Downpatrick. His sisters are referred to as "The Lady ..."


    GEN - Name and Title

    2-Prince Edward, Duke of Kent

    3-George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews

    4-Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick

    4-The Lady Marina Windsor

    4-The Lady Amelia Windsor

    3-The Lady Helen Taylor

    4-Columbus Taylor

    4-Cassius Taylor

    4-Eloise Taylor

    4-Estella Taylor

    3-Lord Nicholas Windsor

    4-Albert Windsor


    2-Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy

    3-James Robert Bruce Ogilvy

    4-Flora Alexandra

    4-Alexander Charles

    3-Marina Ogilvy

    4-Zenouska Mowatt

    4-Christian Mowatt


    2-Prince Michael of Kent

    3-Lord Frederick Windsor

    3-Lady Gabriella Windsor


    Excluding the six Catholics in this family (or married to Catholic) this family is #24 through #39 in line for the throne

  9. "Hey you brat!"  

    I'm sorry.  I couldn't help that.

    I really don't know.

  10. The dukes of hazard.  Officially.

  11. nobles

  12. Du Kids?

  13. George, Duke of Kentis the uncle to Queen Elizabeth II. He died in WWII at a young age, and has 23 descendents. George is generation 1, and the other generations are designated 2,3, and 4.


    The three children all are entitled to Prince and Princess because they are grandchildren of a monarch through a male son.


    The oldest son inheirted the title, Duke of Kent.


    His son, George, has a subsidiary title of his father (Earl of St Andrews), and he holds it by courtesy as heir apparent to the Dukedom of Kent.


    Note that Lord and Lady only go through generation #3 and #4 if it is via a male. If not, there is no style at all. So all the descendents of Princess Alexandra have no style or title at all.


    The only children in generation #4 to be called Lord and Lady are via the main line of descent from the Duke. Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick (age 19) is second in line to inherit the throne, after is father (age 46). As the direct heir he also is entitled to a courtesy title that belongs to his grandfather, Lord Downpatrick. His sisters are referred to as "The Lady ..."


    GEN - Name and Title

    2-Prince Edward, Duke of Kent

    3-George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews

    4-Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick

    4-The Lady Marina Windsor

    4-The Lady Amelia Windsor

    3-The Lady Helen Taylor

    4-Columbus Taylor

    4-Cassius Taylor

    4-Eloise Taylor

    4-Estella Taylor

    3-Lord Nicholas Windsor

    4-Albert Windsor


    2-Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy

    3-James Robert Bruce Ogilvy

    4-Flora Alexandra

    4-Alexander Charles

    3-Marina Ogilvy

    4-Zenouska Mowatt

    4-Christian Mowatt


    2-Prince Michael of Kent

    3-Lord Frederick Windsor

    3-Lady Gabriella Windsor


    Excluding the six Catholics in this family (or married to Catholic) this family is #24 through #39 in line for the throne

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