
What are the climate footprint implications of using dry ice (frozen co2) in coolers (for camping, etc)?

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What are the climate footprint implications of using dry ice (frozen co2) in coolers (for camping, etc)?




  1. I have actually been considering buying some dry ice to make my plants grow more. If I do, I will post the results. Many greenhouses do use high CO2 concentrations to promote plant growth.

  2. Normally none as it leaks off very slow . It is eliminated by the plants and they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. That gives us O2 and when the plant die will break down into oil & gas ....The plants need lots of CO2.

  3. who cares.

    Don't let big brother tell you what to do.

  4. No money in harassing dry ice companies or people with coolers.

    Could go after pop bottlers, but no public support for that.

    Only money in harassing the businesses big enough to the provide jobs for people with families.

    So, no, global warming only gouges money out of oil and coal users at the moment.  Once those companies are broken down, dry ice companies and your cooler could be next.

  5. As far as I know, it does put co2 in the atmosphere, but the thing is the company that sell dry ice then has to take co2 out of the atmosphere to freeze it.  So basically, it doesn't add to the co2 in the atmosphere overall.

  6. Zero.

    The only thing that matters is burning fossil fuels. Use as much dry ice as you want. Just don't burn gasoline to get to the campsite.

  7. mostly the CO2 emitted by the power company that made the electricity that was used to create the dry ice in the first place.

    the CO2 in the dry ice came from the air, so it's not a problem.

    JOHNNIE B:  <<and when the plant die will break down into oil & gas ....The plants need lots of CO2.>>

    hey, must be the d**k Cheney school of environmentalism and climate change:

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