
What are the codes for the Ben 10 way big battle figure?

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  1. Ripjaws is the most underused alien, being completly missing from season 3. Ripjaws hasnt had a figure since the Sumo Slammers were made. No DNA Alien hero RJ, no Alien Rock RJ, no Battle figure RJ. Untill the 3rd versions of the figures come out, there is no RJ figure in sight...... Its not my call though..Maybe there is hope for Rj at the end of the..undersea tunnel for him at Bandai. (You should probably go to for more info on the toys people..there arn't just the Battle Figs ya know!)

    By the way here are some of the figs comming out-

    Battle Vilgax

    Battle Upchuck

    Battle Wildvine

    Battle Cannonbolt

    Other figs- Battle Ben, Benmummy and Benvicktor (No pics)

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