
What are the concepts of a labor force and its place in history?

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hello I would just like some little help with this questions because I will be having a sociology exam on Wednesday and I got stuck on this question. I will like some help with this questions. P.s. I was trying to find the answer in the book but, I couldn't find it.




  1. Labor force is a very general term.  When talking about a labor force you are looking at a number of different dynamics including sheer numbers, economic output, purpose (is the labor force only creating war machines or harvesting grain), location (very critical as I'll get to later when we talk about modern history), and ability to sustain.

    Historically, all of these dynamics have changed.  For example, the baby boomer generation (those born from fathers returning from WWII) created a large number of employee aged people.  Economic output has also varied considerably historically.  Look at certain inventions and how they dramatically changed both the labor force itself, but its overall economic output.  Location (as mentioned above) is one key thing in the us that we are dealing with.  Much of our skilled jobs are going overseas.  This has created a labor force that is in some sectors almost entirely overseas.  This is generally unprecedented historically.  If we are looking at the history of a society, its ability to create, maintain, and perpetuate a labor force is one of its key distinguishing factors.  Despite using varying methods of formal and informal controls, great historical societies have always had very large labor forces, from the egyptians (slaves) to the romans (slaves and poor class), to the germans (circa WWI and WWII) using the poor or improperly politically aligned (and later slaves).

    I hope this helps.

  2. its place in history sounds like a question about one thing, but then you said concepts which is plural. So I don't know what mean.

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