
What are the conditions of modern-day orphanages?

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With msot people I know, when they think of orphans, they think of "Annie", but what are the conditions and set-up of modern day orphanages? How much do the kids get? What is expected of them? How good/bad are living conditions? Basically.. what the title said. What are the conditions of modern-day orphanges. The only picture of an orphanage I have is "Annie" and that is (at leastI hope..) not correct anymore..




  1. We do not have orphanages in the U.S.  any longer.  We have group homes.

    But nonetheless, to answer your question:

    Anything from much worse than anything you could imagine for a child, to much better than expected, and all in between.

    There is simply no way to say.  It is like asking "What are the conditions of day care centers in the world?"

    Unfortunately, there are many who abuse the children, starve the children, and make off with all the   donated supplies and food.  Then claim to love and care for the "poor little children" who look so gaunt and frail because they are.  

    Much, much research has to be done to know which is which!

  2. In America there are no such things as Orphanges, persay. more or less called group homes. but i think they try to put the kid thur foster care first, and then if that doesn't happen to the group home. but i'm really only guessing...

  3. Here are a couple of links l found that might help, most places in developed countries now use (preferably) foster care, but there are some 'group homes'.  They are a different set up to orphanages, with a few children to a house parent.  l hope this helps.

  4. There are not modern day orphanages in the United states. There are foster homes, children's homes etc. Generally situations set up to return the children's to their parents home or to be adopted by someone else. Foster and children's home situation will vary from state to state

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