
What are the connections of the endocrine system to the other body systems???

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I have the endocrine system and need help on how it connects to the other systems: Muscular, Skeletal, Uniary, cardiovascular, nervous, respitory and others,

I know the endocrine system deals with hormones and growth but i am having trouble connecting them. and he said some systems don't corralate.

Please explain so i can get a grasp the concepts.

Thank you so much




  1. Endocrine system produces HORMONES.  They are transported via the Circulatory system.  Hormones such as epinephrine, will affect muscles to move.  Hormones like calcitonin will affect the skeletal system, by taking calcium from the bones.  As you can see, these are examples of how the endocrine system interacts with other body systems.  Just open up your text book and im sure you will find more.

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