
What are the cons of beinga vegan?

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I was reading various articles, and considered to become a vegan. I'm a bit overweight, and I get sick regularly. I've also seen horrible documentaries about slaughterhouses, and the poor animals being hurt badly. I'd like to know your opinions. If you're a vegan, how has it benefited you? And does alcohol have anything to do with animals?




  1. Being vegan will automatically bring you weight down and boost your immune system- if done right.

    I am vegan. I have been vegetarian since I was 13.. I am 18 now.. I stopped being vegan for a while and just went to vegetarianism because I did it the unhealthy way.

    Now I am a healthy vegan and it is great. My weight has gone down, skin is so clear and even my body odor is nonexistant!!!

    The only con is that you have to try to be healthy as you're vegan. You can't do bean burritos and french fries or else you'd ruin your health.

    I drink alcohol and I am vegan. I drink vodka on occasion.

    Your heart must be with it to continue being vegan. Just know that we live in a day and age where we don't HAVE to live off animals. It's a choice. And if you become vegan or even vegetarian you're making a huge difference.

    At my friends houses I'll eat tomatoes or some fruit or something, then go home and eat.


  2. it'd be hard to find things to eat, especially at restaurants or other peoples houses.  and i would think it'd be hard to eat healthy.  meat and dairy are 2 of the 4 food groups, you do the math on that one.  

    and no, alcohol has nothing to do with animals.  i have a vegan friend that drinks.  

  3. You'll be significantly reducing the likelihood of developing heart disease and cancer, which is a con if you've been hoping for it.

  4. Vegan huh?  Say goodbye to McDonald's French fries.

    Alcohol is made from plants.  Plants are fertilized with cow manure.

  5. Vegetarian is not hard at all....vegan on the other hand......So many things have milk or eggs in them and you wouldn't even know it. I would star vegetarian first and see how that goes, then take the vegan plunge. I really don't think either will help you stop being sick and certainly not help with weight loss. Some would say that not having the hormones from dairy products will help you feel better but most fruit and veggies in the store have hormones and pesticides. So if you're willing to spend to eat organic plants then vegan may indeed help you feel better and loose weight. On a sidenote, many places have veggie burgers like Friday's, Ruby Tuesdays, maybe Applebees even Burger King. There's always cheese or veggie pizza and pasta with marineria or alfredo. That's why it's not hard to be vegetarian.

    Alcohol deffinitely won't help with weight, look at nascar fans with huge beer guts, but it's animal friendly. Wine is supposed to be good for you but not over a glass a day.

  6. im vegetarian and really the biggest con i can think of is no ice cream =[

  7. The American Dietetic Association has said that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." However, poorly planned vegan diets can be deficient in nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. These deficiencies have potentially serious consequences, including anemia, rickets and cretinism in children, and osteomalacia and hypothyroidism in adults.


  8. It never fails to amaze me how uneducated the average person is about the vegan lifestyle.  Most doctors don't know much about nutrition, but every Tom, d**k and Harry on Y/A thinks he's a certified nutritionist!

    This country got rid of "the four food groups" idea of nutrition something like 20 years ago!  The so-called "food pyramid" is also obsolete.  Both were created by the powerful grain, dairy and flesh lobbies.  Neither have anything to do with what is really healthy.  A healthy diet is plant based.  Humans should eat mostly plants in the form of fruit, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds.  Meat is not necessary.  Dairy is unnatural and unhealthy.  The reason that people think milk and meat are good for you is because cattle ranchers and dairy farmers have powerful lobbyists in Washington and they have managed to use advertising to brainwash the whole world!  There are whole books written about this.

    The biggest con about being a vegan is dealing with the ignorance and apathy of the masses.  People feel that by being vegan, you are judging them for their subconscious complicity in the suffering of animals and the destruction of the planet.  Vegans get a lot of others' guilt projected onto us.

    I have been a vegan since I was around 18 or 19.  I am not underweight.  I struggle with my weight like most middle aged women.  I began working out recently and I am putting on muscle just like any meat eater would.

    Have courage.  Being a vegan is the right choice.  

    Most wines and beers are NOT vegan.  You have to seek out vegan brands.  Pyramid is a vegan brewery.  I belive Sierra Nevada is too.  Wine is a little tougher.  Vodka and the like are vegan, but you should not overconsume alcohol.  That's part of the reason people are fat.

  9. Cons:

    - Your dietary choices are moving far from the mainstream and convenience.

    - Without animal sources of nutrients, you will have to carefully monitor your diet, health, and energy levels.

    - Vegan doesn't equal healthy.  I know quite a few out-of-shape, lumpy, chronically ill vegans.  In fact, I know far less athletic vegans than omnivores.

    - Expect a little ridicule and a lot of indifference.  Many people consider vegans a nuisance rather than an inspiration.

    - Almost all alcohol is vegan (though some use animal products to help clarify them).  However, if you are going vegan to lose weight and shed an unhealthy lifestyle, I would eliminate booze first.  Alcohol is calorie-dense, has no nutritional value, acts as a depressant, and can suppress your immune system.

  10. Eyestrain from reading labels.  And this includes clothing labels.

    Having to ask servers in omni restaurants about what's in certain dishes.

    Having to deal with family members who think you're weird for caring about the animals.

    Getting a bigger purse to carry food around in case you're in a place where you can't get something decent.

    And yes you can have ice cream.  Look for a company called Purely Decadent which makes soy ice creams and coconut milk ice creams.

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