
What are the cons of the stuff they put in hookah at hookah bars?

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I see hookah has a pretty big social scene. I'm not into smoking regular cigarettes at all because its extremely unhealthy and really, really smelly.

Can people educate me about hookah? What do they put in it at hookah bars? Is it safe? Or how, safer? Cons?

Anything.. I don't know much about it.




  1. Same stuff, it's just tobacco. Addictive and with similar health risks, although if you only do it occasionally the risk is probably not very high.

  2. The function of it is like a bong, using a system that cools the smoke, but in most cases you are smoking tobacco. Most times it's flavored with a certain kind of fruit, and the smoke is not as agitating as one from a cigarette, but if you are not comfortable smoking tobacco, then it's something you might want to pass up on, or as if they have massel available which isn't based on tobacco.

  3. Mashell IS the tobacco used in a shisha pipe (narghila).  It is molasses tobacco, flavoured with various things.  Favourites are various fruits, and especially apple or apple and menthol.

    The tobacco should not actually 'burn, just char and smoulder on a platform above the coals.  All the smoke is passed through water, so it is a lot less harmful for you than smoking cigarettes, cigars or a normal pipe.  There is less nicotine too, so it is one way of cutting down on your smoking (combined with the fact that it is such a chore setting the thing going).   It is a good way to pass the time if you are sat in a cafe somewhere.

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