
What are the consequences for not being a license in home daycare?

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What are the consequences for not being a license in home daycare?




  1. It depends on the state you are in.  In my state you can be fined for each child for everyday you are watching them unless it's informal care, which means you are caring for  afamily member in your home, or a friend in their home.  you can't watch other children for more thatn 20 hours a month or it can be considered illegal. Usually getting a license isn't that hard.

  2. Do you mean not having a license and operating a daycare?

    If so, you can be closed down at any time.  Also, should an accident happen to a child or member of staff, you'll have huge insurance claims.

  3. It depends on the state. Some states allow you to have a certain number of children and remain unlicensed. Parents that attend an unlicensed daycare CAN get an income tax. If a parent chooses to claim you on their taxes, which some don't, then you have to give them your social security number and be sure you claim your daycare as a business on your taxes and keep track of how much the parents pay you. It's up to the parent whether they claim you or not. You should research the benefits of running a licensed daycare...for instance you get USDA benefits.

  4. Your crediability and liability. If there was a problem, you not being a licensed daycare could be sued big time or even get fined. You would have no recourse from the state. The only way I would ever have an unlicensed home daycare would be as if I were only taking care of  really close friend's and family member's kids. I think every state has a limit on how many kids you can take in before you have to get a license, Texas is 10 kids, I believe. Even then I would not advertise as a daycare or open it up to the public. Any outside families would have to know that they leave their child at their own risk and even sign a waver of release of liability on your part. Hope this helps.

  5. Just last week two daycares in my city were closed down.  I read the article about these daycares and it said that both daycares had more than 5 children in their care.  They were allowed to have only 4, because they didn't have a license.  I'm sure each state is different, but the state I live in only requires a license if you are going to keep over 4 children.  Good luck!

  6. people who use your services can't get a tax refund, and they won't want to use your services

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