
What are the consequences for not showing up for jury duty in Florida?

by Guest67084  |  earlier

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What are the consequences for not showing up for jury duty in Florida?




  1. jail time...

  2. they hall your butt to jail not a good idea. everyone has to do. just did was bored out of my mind just show up bring a book and hope they dont pick you..

  3. Jail!!! you know i had a friend who said she was a racist so she didnt want to attend. i dont know if its true but she said it worked for her so she didnt have to attend. Im not sure if its true though. lol. and she isnt a real racist! or else you would have to go to jail.

  4. Depends on how the cops catch you...  Since it's a FELONY to skip jury duty, you can be in jail for a LONG LONG time, have all your rights stripped away from you, have to report to every place that you go to work for in the future that you are a felon, be denied the ability to vote or own a firearm, lose your drivers license, and be fined.

    Luckily, if you dont seriously p**s off the judge, you MAY get away with a $100 fine only, but if the judge is mad at you, prepare to have the book tossed at you and spend 3 to 5 years in prison.

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