
What are the consequences for the people who don't take global warming seriously?

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What are the consequences for the people who don't take global warming seriously?




  1. We don't get a place on the ark?

  2. A happier life not worrying about every "crisis" that will destroy us all.

  3. there are no consequences to JUST them.   but for EVERYONE.   and if we all dont take it seriously,  earth will be another venus.  look up that planet.

  4. Less than the consequences for their children and grandchildren who will have to deal with the disasters they are only just starting to understand on their computer models.

  5. there are not any consequences for the people who don't take global warming seriously the consequences are for every one

  6. The consequence that I personally care about is not looking like a stooge when this man-did-it global warming nonsense is shown to be a hoax!

  7. Bravozulu got it right.  There is no reason to go through life believing there is a crisis about everything.  They talked about the coming ice age in the 70s, nuclear winter, acid rain, y2k, ozone depletion, etc.  There are always crises that are exaggerated by a certain segment of the population.  It is part of of the human psyche, apparently (or at least a good percentage of people).  There have been gloom and doomers since the oldest writtings and probably well before that.  It all comes to naught and life generally gets better for those of us not caught up in the paranoia.

  8. Obviously the consequences fall on everyone.  The whole world is facing soaring prices, including food prices.  People are starving.  Watch them blame the people trying to solve the Global Warming problems.  Last year they were trying to blame the droughts caused by Global Warming on the farmers growing biofuel crops.  This year they're trying to blame the food shortages and high prices on the farmers growing biofuels.  They farmers do a great job of speaking for themselves and answering these shameful lies, but I don't think very many people are listening.  The real problem affecting you and everyone else is that some of the western countries, particularly the USA want to continue business as it has been, and export their economic problems to the poorer countries.  The market crash in housing in the USA is being partially offset by speculating in grain futures.  It jacks up the price for everyone  and causes cyclical shortages allowing them to profit.  The big financial houses freely admit they are doing this.  The UN's food expert denounces financial speculation in food when it causes starvation but it is legal to do it in the USA.  The article below explains it better than I can.

  9. Other countries will get ahead in the technology needed to lead a better life and we will be left behind again without jobs we could have, but buying from them instead.

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