
What are the consequences for tolerating an injustice?

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What are the consequences for tolerating an injustice?




  1. Tolerance is the gateway to becoming jaded.

    Tolerance leads to acceptance. Acceptance to embrace.

    Never, ever, tolerate anything you would not yourself embrace.

  2. The price is our souls

  3. Injustice is the consequence.

    Justice (and injustice) are subjective flexible terms which require both an individual and communal moral compass.  An injustice to one may be insignificant to another.  The execution of justice to remedy an injustice may, in fact, create another injustice, depending on your point of view.

    Without a universal definition of justice, some injustice may occur.  As long as you act so as to prevent injustice being done by you, you bear no responsibility for injustice occurring.

  4. The danger is that the injustice becomes the norm.  One injustice leads to another unless people stand up to it.

    There is an old poem saying something to the effect of "When they came for the Jews, I said nothing.  When they came for the intellectuals, I said nothing.  When they came for the Catholics, I said nothing.  When they came for me, there was no one left to say anything." [quote's not exact but you get the idea].

  5. Good question, but for some reason I feel it should be simplified. I have no idea how to answer this without rambling on and on and on.

    worldwide or personally?

    negative consequences or positive consequences?

    family injustice, or government injustice?

    effects spiritually, mentally, psychologically, economically, etc.?

    Injustices when not dealt with immediately only escalate, and begin to effect more numbers. Alot of times until it`s to late and then there`s protest, uprising's, and then war. (I want to cry when I hear the word injustice.)

  6. validate all that is harmful and wrong...

  7. You might hurt along the way.

  8. more injustice  

  9. Hello:

    Well the severity of the consequence is relative to the severity of the injustice, but essentially by tolerating an injustice you are willing it into this world.  That is to say that if that is what you choose...then you are saying the you wish said injustice to be part of the world/your reality over doing something about it.  You may not be able to stop said injustice, but you can show that you stand against it.  

    I hope this helps

    Rev Phil

  10. guilt

  11. People will continue to step all over you.

  12. Injustice itself is the cosequence! what worse than that!!

  13. Injustice will become the norm and we can all shout 'Witch', and you'll get dunked when your time comes.

  14. further injustice, anger, disappointment,  

  15. You will bear a grudge and become depressed for being unfairly treated. If it affects you health, reputation and money-wise, and you feel you are greatly victimised, you should seek some form of redemption, including legal action. In some cases an injustice by govt officials result in losing some privileges or monetary compensations. If the injustice is too severe it is better not to take it lying down, but to fight for your welfare and rights. Consult informed adults and lawyers as necessary.

  16. if it's against you - the injustice itself

    if it's injustice against others - the reaction to all those party to the injustice.

    addtiionally based on your moral stance certain, mainly intellectual, self administered punishments may become evident.    

  17. Making an enemy of someone who may not have been your enemy.

  18. guilt, corruption, chaos.

  19. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind is this Islamic saying: "Who is the greater sinner - one who inflicts injustice....? No. One who tolerates it" . Explains a lot about the world today, doesn't it?

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