
What are the consequences of allowing an 11 year boy drive a motorcycle on public roads?

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My ex-husband allows my son, who is 11 years old to drive his, truck, car, and 1000 Kawasaki crouch rocket on public roads while he follows behind him in another vehicle. I have called the police, contacted my attorney, filed a report with child protection services. And I feel that my hands are tied. I do not want to get a call to inform me that my son was hurt or killed because of my ex's stupidity!




  1. I'm sorry lady, but your ex-husband is an absolute idiot! Child endangerment comes to mind, not to mention the financial and emotional disaster when the 11 year old is involved in an accident. There is a reason the minimum age to get a drivers license is 16.

  2. Take your son away from your husband is he trying to get him killed???? Seriously that is child endangerment talk to your lawyer to see if you can have sole custody of your child or at least to figure out a way that your ex can be barred from doing that. Can't you get monitors to do that for you.

  3. I think the police need to catch them in the act.  From what you have said, that probably hasn't happened.  When the boy is in his father's custody, you may need to go to that police department and ask them to keep an eye out.

  4. your son is making his onw decsions. if he id driving that large of a motor cycle, he can handle himself. i have been driving motorcycles off road since eight and cars since 10. i always know when it is safe to go fast and where it is safe to go. if your son made the choice, it is not your ex's fault. as long as he is getting instruciton on how to ride/drive i see it as a posotive experince. it will teach him how to drive and how to look out for drivers who have not had this kind of education. it will benefit your son in the long run. stop worrying. i am 15 and have been driving snowmoblies, motorcylces, boats, fourwheelers, go-karts and other various motor vehicles since eight or younger by myself and not gotten hurt. your son is being wathced. he will be fine.

  5. Film, or get a P.I. to film this in action and then turn evidence, or if you know the time/place when this may happen, get the police involved.  Your son's a minor so he'll be OK...your ex should get charged with endangerment at the least.  Consult your local police dept.

  6. At the bare minimum, your ex-husband could be given a traffic citation for "Permitting an Unlicensed Operator". He could also be charged criminally: Endangering the Welfare of a Minor.

  7. Ticket, fine and possible jail time which sounds like what he needs..

  8. You did a good thing for your son.

    You are correct that your hands were tide.  At that age, the head is still developing and much more prone to traumatic head injury.


    My wife was hit by a car (while walking) and she now have traumatic head injury.  It is no minor injury and if you can prevent it - do it by ALL means.

    Good Luck...

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