
What are the consequences of being a follower?

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What are the consequences of being a follower?




  1. it makes society work, if everyone was a leader, nothing would ever get done, everyone would be trying to boss everyone else around. Ever heard the old and politically incorrect saying "too many chiefs and not enough indians?"

  2. Depends on who or what you are following.

    Follow a lemming, you might fall off a cliff.

    Follow someone dropping money, you could get rich.

    Follow Carlie Manson, you could end up very confused.

    In the strictest sense of "being a follower", can rarely have good consequences because you are relinquishing your free will.

  3. The consequences are that you'll be led in a direction of the leader's choosing.

  4. It depends. Being a leader is overrated in some situations, and necessary in others. It depends on entirely what the situation is, who has more experience in dealing with it, etc.

  5. The view never changes.

  6. Who are you following?

  7. Following who?  Or what?  It entirely depends on your circumstances.  If you are a rat for instance, then following the Pied Piper of Hamelin clearly isn't a good idea.  It is difficult to know without more details.

  8. You have no say so and you have to do what the leader says.  Don't be a follower be a leader.

  9. Collisions. Everyone should navigate their own ship

  10. You follow instead of lead, for many people that would be a good thing.  There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be in charge, or in letting someone else run things as long as they are doing a good job.  Without good followers even the greatest leaders can accomplish nothing, just as Jesus needed his disciples.

  11. Benefits:

    1) No accountability

    2)Sense of Belonging


    4)No guilt for poor decision making

    5)Less stress over risk or thinking for yourself


    1)Easily abused or taken advantage of

    2)Trouble making decisions for yourself

    3)Depends on others

    4)May be instructed to act immorally or illegally


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