
What are the consequences of forgetting?

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What are the consequences of forgetting?




  1. Repeating your mistakes.

  2. (1) I was going to say, " history repeating itself"...but the fact is, history repeats itself whether people forget or not...

    (2) So; I think that truly forgetting something basically means erasing this "thing" from existence (your existence); i.e. perhaps meaning never to do a particular thing that could have changed your life, or contact a particular person that could have been an integral part of your life.....

    Forgetting is to loose something, and potentially never getting it you're never truly aware of the consequences are you? If you forget I mean....

  3. Well, unfortunately the consequences can be inconvenient such as locking yourself out of the house. That can happen here when taking out the garbage and forgetting you need the key to unlock the side door to get back in (communal housing). I'm always forgetting which day it is and twice already this year went to the plaza's post office to mail things only to find it's a holiday and it's closed, so I forgot to take notice, heehee. I won't go into listing other things as the list could get rather long.  

  4. Your parents finding out about your quick perusals through the many unholy, beautiful realms of the internet you've been exploring.


  5. u will repeat your history

  6. I don't remember?

  7. You will repeat your mistakes....

    ..never learn...

    .. and at times you will lock yourself out of your car/house with the keys inside.

  8. not remembering

  9. Besides doing lousy in school, forgetting allows you to forgive yourself and others, which is the source of a simpler, healthier life. Other than that, it has no value.

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