
What are the consequences of glaciers melting?

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What are the consequences of glaciers melting?




  1. More heat absorption by the ground - dark rocks, soils, plants, don't reflect the sun's rays like ice does.  This would result in warmer temperatures.

    A slight reduction in salinity - note that the oceans are so vast that it is not likely to change the salty much or if it does change it may be unmeasurable.

    New ground to plant.

    Sea level rising - you know the drill port cities are drowned, most of Louisiana and Florida will be underwater,

    Less ground to plant.

    More and bigger tropical storms.

    Less Ice Hockey outdoors - this is mostly bad for Canadians.

    More sailing.

    Cost more to cruise on a ship because ports will be farther away.

    Some endangered species go extinct.  Some threatened species go endangered.  Some normal species go threatened.

    Migration of birds and fish, whales, will be altered.

    Someone will find a way to profit from it.

  2. Rising sea levels, loss of fresh water sources, decreased solar reflectivity (white ice reflects most of the sunlight that hits it) and habitat loss for animals that depend on it.

  3. Polar bears won't be able to have a resting place... our water levels or our beach front properties will be submerged under water and we will have to move further inland to escape.

  4. The Gulf Stream is being diluted and it operates on its temperature and salinity.  If the Gulf Stream stops circulating, North America and Europe may become so cold that crops won't grow and maybe too cold for human habitation.

  5. No more POLAR BEARS !!!!!!!!  : (

  6. Glaciers melting is because of Global Warming. It melts the ice because of the warmth, and because of the ice melting, the polar animals (like polor bears) do not have their icy habitat. Also because of the ice melting, it rises the sea level.

    In the end, there is also not as much fresh water too.

       A GOOD movie to watch is: The Day After Tomorrow. its all about Global Warming and all the effects Including Glaciers.

       A GOOD site to go on is:Wikipedia: Global Warming, Glaciers.

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