
What are the contents of the Carpal Tunnel?

by Guest65861  |  earlier

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Dont bother to answer if your just going to refer to google or Wiki.

Ive read them. There seems to be some differences in the answers on the web and in the text.

I know the median nerve, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor digitorum profundus tendons are in it but is the flexor carpi radialis in there.?




  1. I think you cannot include tendon of Flexor carpi radialis as one of the contents of carpal tunnel.

    On the lateral side, the retinaculum gives off a lateral deep slip which is attached to the medial lip of the groove on the trapezium which is thus converted into a tunnel for the tendon of FCR. This tunnel being separate from the Carpal tunnel.

    But when it comes to structures passing deep to the flexor retinaculum, obviously, you have to include the tendon of FCR.

    You can search 'Carpal Tunnel' in Google Image Search to get a clear understanding....Here's one pic I got from Britannica

  2. In medicine so many times you will find differences of opinion .

    Flexor carpi radialis tendon runs in the flexor retinaculum which is soft tissue ligament making boundary of carpal tunnel that's why there are differences of opinion, some include it in carpal tunnel while others say it is in the wall of carpal tunnel.


    Median nerve and tendons of nine muscles  passes through carpal tunnel to be specific:--

    -Flexor policis longus in a separate narrow radial bursa,

    -Flexor digitorum profunus 4 tendons and flexor digitorum superficialis 4 tendons in a big ulnar bursa..

    Carpal tunnel is made by 8 small wrist bones (carpals from three sides forming arch) and soft tissue ligament called flexor retinaculum.

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