
What are the contributions of Alfred Nobel to science?

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What are the contributions of Alfred Nobel to science?




  1. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, and out of guilt for all of the deaths that were caused by his invention, he created the Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. he leads to the discovery of dynamite, a form of explosive. but he didn't seem to make the world a worse place by inventing explosives. he suddenly become a very rich man and devotees himself along with his property to science. the annual Nobel Prize giving to those who contributes to the world of science is formed by him and now days, it is considered as the world's top award and honor. you can find more of these information at this website:

  3. The invention of dynamite saved the lives and limbs of thousands of the men who previously had to use black powder or raw nitroglycerin to do blasting work.  All dynamite is, is nitroglycerin soaked into diatomaceous earth ( the stuff you put into pool filters)  That keeps it stable & safe to transport to the jobsite.  This was such a monumental scientific advance that the prize for science was created in his name.

  4. He invented the dynamite and created noble peace prize

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