
What are the cool rectangular patterns I see on a CD after I microwave it for 5-10 Seconds?

by  |  earlier

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While cleaning out my closet, I came across a burned CD from When I was much younger. (Literally burned).

Here's the story...

It was about 10 years ago when I put a CD in a microwave for 5-10 seconds. It made a few sparks, but what amazed me was the cool rectangular patterns that appeared on the disc afterwards. What exactly are these rectangles I see?

P.S. Will the same thing happen with a DVD?




  1. are you trying to kill yourself??????????????

  2. mp3s

  3. Poor your girlfriend neglecting you?  Sounds like you need to get _____.

    (Ps---want my #?)

  4. those are individual image crystals being blown up dunno never tried a dvd

  5. it is the parts of the cd/dvd that react to the microwaves that your "nuke'n" it with... Those are parts that sparked... DO NOT do that... it can be very dangerous.

  6. why on earth would you want to burn a disc??

    if you're really that bored, go on a bike ride or something


  7. ?

  8. No A dvd will create a different pattern

    It is the liquid in the middle recrystalizing in that pattern

    Under those conditions that is the most stable pattern



  9. thin layer of metal

  10. Somebody's got way too much time on their hands.

    How about a hobby?

    (that doesn't include the microwave)

  11. A CD is a very thin layer of metal acid grafted onto a polymer disc, then the thin layer of metal is laser imprinted with the information.  Its the laser imprinting that is being exposed.  Basically what is happening is lightning in a jar.  the microwaves react to the metal causing electricity to surround the disc for a few seconds, but because it IS metal this can harm your microwave.

    If you want to save yourself the trouble of burning things in your microwave this is a link with pictures...

  12. eeghh

    now im tempted to try it myself..

  13. lol I'm guessing it would happen to a DVD unless the CD was already broken somehow before you burned it...

  14. Why would you even want to figure that out!

    But I think it would look cool on a DVD it will prolly do the same thing since they are both disks!

    I might even go and try it!

    And oh IDK what the little squares are!


  15. whoa, thats cool..

    now you've got me all excited

    and i want to try it for myself.

    but i'm afraid i will ruin the

    microwave or burn something :I

    can you send me a picture ? :D

  16. whatever your heart desires

  17. Who does that??!!!  And do you realize how dangerous that could be???!!!  Get a life!! And a instruction manual for that microwave!!!

  18. its probably just the shriveled up top of the cd and its should work for the dvd

    im gonna go try ......... this better no break my microwave : )

  19. dude, you need a hobbie

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