
What are the copyright laws/guidelines for non-commercial webpages?

by  |  earlier

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I'm very new to web page making and I'm wondering specifically about quotations/literary content, cultural heritage information, basically, content of that nature that I did not write myself, but would like to display on my page for the purpose of sharing information with the folks that would visit the site and be interested in reading about these topics.




  1. commercial or non-commercial makes no difference.

    either you own the material, have licensed it, it is in the public domain, or your use of it meets one or more of the Fair Use exemptions, or it is a copyright violation.

  2. Basically, you cannot use another's copyrighted work (e.g., text, images, music, video, etc.) without permission.  Using another's copyrighted work without permission is copyright infringement.  The fact that your webpage is non-commercial is irrelevant as far as copyright is concerned.

    You're of course free to use non-copyrighted work and work that you have received permission to use.

    For a general introduction to copyright, you might consider reading through the FAQ I link to below.

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