
What are the correct contacts for me to be ordering?

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I had a problem with my contact lenses while on vacation and had to get replacements in a hurry. I normally wear Frequency 55 Aspheric (generally a special order item) but needed something I could pick up ASAP at a Wall Mart. My Dr. sent over a revised prescription for Ultraflex 55 (Biomedics) and I LOVED THEM. Now I'm trying to order more of them and I'm having problems. I think WallMart may have given me Biomedics EP instead of what was originally prescribed because the blister pack I have left has a base curve of 8.7 and a diameter of 14.4 (the same as my Frequency55) but the Ultraflex55 (Biomedics) don't come with that BC and diameter.

Does anyone know what the difference between the EP and Ultraflex 55 is? I'm 90% sure that the ones I loved in my eyeball were the EP, but I want to make sure that I'm not causing a problem by ordering them. I left a message for my optometrist, but she's not familiar with the EP and left me a message to stick to the original prescription to be safe.




  1. The package you scanned is the Biomedics EP alright. I see it at

    I wasn't familiar with that brand either , because it is only available in the US. ( I'm not )

    The ultra flex 55 is only available at Costco and Walmart in the US...according to that site.

    It's really surprising you get good vision with regular contacts with that amount of astigmatism that shows on your glasses Rx.

    That's why you were fitted with Aspheric lenses to begin with , to mask more of the astigmatism than a regular lens can do.

    Your Doc had changed the Rx to the Ultra Flex 55 because the brands are limited at Walmart...and he knew they normally carried those.

    Tell your Doc those lenses are from Coopervision, and they will be able to get them for you...IF you are in the US.

  2. wear the ep its just a different brand n if they fit ur eyes n u can see well then order those

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