
What are the costituent (such as BOD, COD, TDS, SS, etc) of pharmaceutical wastewater?

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What are the parameters of wastewater of pharmaceutical industry before treatment.




  1. The constituents should be set in each wastewater discharger's permit - and that would vary by state and even by the needs of the body of water they discharge to - rivers, streams and lakes need to meet national water quality standards and permit limits are set to try to achieve or maintain those standards.

  2. The closest thing to a general reference is the USEPA Sector notebook (reference).  The variation will depend greatly on the specific operation you are studying.  Some will have solvents involved, some will be completely water based.  There are consumer product locations and small specialty firms.

  3. I don't think that the pharma industry has specific "parameters" for the waste that they create.  They may have parameters for the waste that they emit after on-site treatment - although that will likely change depending on the local environmental rules.  

    Each plant will create waste water with different characteristics, and each plant will do some on-site treatment of that waste to bring it up to local standards before it is put into the local sewer.  Because local standards vary from community to community, the amount of treatment and the characteristics of the final effluent will be different from plant to plant.

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