
What are the countries located in the tropical region?

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What are the countries located in the tropical region?




  1. Tropics is the belt between 23.45 degrees N & S. Countries are:


    1. Mexico

    2. Guatemala

    3. Belize

    4. San Salvador

    5. Honduras

    6. Nicaragua

    7. Costa Rica

    8. Panama

    9. Colombia

    10. Venezuela

    11. Guyana

    12. Suriname

    13. French Guiana

    14. Ecuador

    15. Peru

    16. Bolovia

    17. Brazil

    18. Portion of Chile

    19. Portion of Argentina

    All of Caribbean Islands.


    Includes Madagaskar I. & Comoros Is, except Morocco, Tunisia, Swaziland & Lesotho all are in Tropics (Only small portions of Algeria, Libya & South Africa).

    Indian Ocean:

    Muaritius, Reunion, Seychelles & Maldives


    1. Saudi Arabia

    2. UAE

    3. Yemen

    4. India

    5. Bangladesh

    6. Sri Lanka

    7. Burma (Myanmar)

    8. Laos

    9. Vietnam

    10. Thailand

    11. Malaysia

    12. Singapore

    13. Philippines

    14. Indonesia

    15. Brunei

    16. Timor L'este

    17. Papuanugini

    18. Taiwan

    A small portion of 'China'

    Pacific Ocean (main island groups):

    1. Australia

    2. Kiribati

    3. Palau

    4. Vanuatu

    5. Fiji

    6. Solomon Is

    7. New Caledonia

    8. Tonga

    9. W. Samoa

    10. Marshall Is

    11. French dependencies

    Hawaii Is of USA.

  2. In the Western Hemisphere, tropical countries include Mexico, all of Central America, all of the Caribbean islands from just south of Nassau in the Bahamas, and the top half of South America, including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, as well as the northern portions of Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

    In Africa, the only nations that cannot be called tropical countries are Morocco and Tunisia in the north and Lesotho and Swaziland in the south. All the rest lie either entirely, or at least partly, in the tropics.

    the Middle East has four tropical countries: Yemen, which is entirely in the tropics, and parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, and United Arab Emirates. India, in southern Asia, lies mostly in the tropics, and all countries of Southeast Asia are tropical countries. Australia, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Kiribati, and most of the other island nations of Oceania in the South Pacific are tropical countries, as well.

  3. All countries situated between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.   Many of them   ...   The equator runs through the middle  so they can be tropical or equatorial.   Extends all round the world. Asia,  Africa,  Americas.

  4. The U.S. state of Hawaii, the Caribbean countries, much of central Africa, northern Australia, southern Asian countries such as India, Much of Mexico, all of Central America, northern and central South American countries like Brazil, etc..

  5. countries that lying on tropical region are Indonesia,, malaysia, phillipines and oter southeastern asia, maldives, centralafrica,, and cetral america, colombia, brasil

    the tropic of Cancer is set at 33.3 degrees North Latitude while the tropic of Capricorn is set at 33.3 degrees south Latitude

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