
What are the criterias to establish residency in California?

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A friend(referred as "A") allowed a mutual friend(referred as "B") to stay in a guest room for several weeks and the last few weeks have been strained. Friend "A" wants "B" to leave. "B" is claiming "A" cannot force him out, without due process. Anyone know what makes a individual a resident?




  1. It is 14 days.

    I have no clue where these people are getting 30, but it is 14.

  2. Living in a place for more than 30 days qualifies him as a STATE resident ... BUT; if he has NOT paid ANY rent or can Provide a rent receipt or a lease etc .... he is trespassing .

    Go talk to the local district attorney .... he'll probably send the police /sheriff to put his *** out ASAP ....

  3. Not sure about California law, but it appears like "B" has established residency. Some states have a 30 day rule. "A" may need to have him evicted. This can be done through Small Claims court or through Justice of the Peace court (whatever they call them in CA)

  4. The lease contract.  If there is none in place they are considered month-to-month and can be forced out in 30 days for any reason.  Just give them formal notice that they have 30 days to leave.

  5. A + B = C

  6. Several weeks is actual months, or what? Unless he gets mail there he has no arguement he is a resident. He is a houseguest, not a resident.

    I'd change the locks (be sure the house owner gets copies) and I'd pack all his stuff in a box and put it in the living room next to the front door. When he returned I'd give him $100 (if he is broke) and tell him he is on his own.

    If he caused any disturbance I'd call 911.

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