
What are the cultural differences between American and Phillipines with regard to dating?

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What are the cultural differences between American and Phillipines with regard to dating?




  1. Maybe you should try some new spots online to meet people. Try

  2. First, you would have to evaluate how media affects the people. In the Philippines, media has, more or less, modified how people live their lives. It has become, in a sense, "americanized". You also have to understand where I come from to say this. I live in the capital, Manila, where there has been a rise of a new standard of belief --an american way of living. That's why, in my perspective, I see that there is not much difference between the two countries when it comes to dating.

    The idea of arranged marriages has been a long and primitive form (almost like a myth) of relationship. Even my grandparents from the province married out of their own choice. So I don't think there's much difference there. If you take into regard poor families in secluded areas, then, I have come to know people who marry for economic purposes. But their case still does not convey "arranged marriage". Oh and g*y marriages are not allowed.

    If you talk about dating, courting is still present. After, there may be a mutual consent between two parties when they would want to be a couple. I think that's an obvious standard in any culture. Trends such as one-night stands are relatively new in the Philippines but are not unheard of.

    So there, I hope I was able to give you the answer you need.

  3. Maybe you should try something new. Have you ever went to new sites online to try to meet people like or htp:// if you need to vent about it?

  4. Most americans tend to be open with who they date where as filipino women are sold or arranged marriages. If that is not the case they tend to look for some one who can give them kids and take care of them.  g*y marriage is accepted in the phillipines but are some time look down upon due to the countries strong catholic background. But alot like americans some are rebelious and date who they love but most cases this is how it is.

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