
What are the current issues in South Africa?

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My south african friends have stopped flying back home because of all the unrest. They say it isnt safe in the city and there are safe-rooms that they lock themselves in at night in their city homes. What are the current political and social conflicts that are making them do this?




  1. Jo'burg is bad but Capetown is fine. Anywhere in this world is dangerous if you're not street wise. I lived in SA for 23 years and my children and grandchildren are very happy there.

  2. rape, murders, hijackings...

    I left in 1996 and wouldn't go back either!

  3. who cares

  4. i agree,  who cares

  5. I'm not quite sure but it sure is sad that this is happening

  6. Try looking up IOL - it's an online South African newspaper.Basically, it's unemployment, AIDs and a lot of racial tensions.

  7. Apartheid, racial tensions... the police over there cooperate with thieves in order to wreak havoc on certain people.  IT's basicall America in the 1960's over there.

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