
What are the currently advanced method of waste management? Any successful clearing waste methods?

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What are the currently advanced method of waste management? Any successful clearing waste methods?




  1. Waste management methods vary widely between areas for many reasons, including type of waste material, nearby land uses, and the area available.

    Physical reprocessing:

    Steel scrap, sorted and baled for recycling.The popular meaning of ‘recycling’ in most developed countries refers to the widespread collection and reuse of everyday waste materials such as empty beverage containers. These are collected and sorted into common types so that the raw materials from which the items are made can be reprocessed into new products. Material for recycling may be collected separately from general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles, or sorted directly from mixed waste streams.

    The most common consumer products recycled include aluminum beverage cans, steel food and aerosol cans, HDPE and PET bottles, glass bottles and jars, paperboard cartons, newspapers, magazines, and cardboard. Other types of plastic (PVC, LDPE, PP, and PS: see resin identification code) are also recyclable, although these are not as commonly collected. These items are usually composed of a single type of material, making them relatively easy to recycle into new products. The recycling of complex products (such as computers and electronic equipment) is more difficult, due to the additional dismantling and separation required

    Main articles: Composting and Anaerobic digestion

    An active compost heap.Waste materials that are organic in nature, such as plant material, food scraps, and paper products, can be recycled using biological composting and digestion processes to decompose the organic matter. The resulting organic material is then recycled as mulch or compost for agricultural or landscaping purposes. In addition, waste gas from the process (such as methane) can be captured and used for generating electricity. The intention of biological processing in waste management is to control and accelerate the natural process of decomposition of organic matter.

    There are a large variety of composting and digestion methods and technologies varying in complexity from simple home compost heaps, to industrial-scale enclosed-vessel digestion of mixed domestic waste (see Mechanical biological treatment). Methods of biological decomposition are differentiated as being aerobic or anaerobic methods, though hybrids of the two methods also exist.

    An example of waste management through composting is the Green Bin Program in Toronto, Canada, where household organic waste (such as kitchen scraps and plant cuttings) are collected in a dedicated container and then composted.

    Energy recovery:

    Anaerobic digestion component of Lübeck mechanical biological treatment plant in Germany, 2007The energy content of waste products can be harnessed directly by using them as a direct combustion fuel, or indirectly by processing them into another type of fuel. Recycling through thermal treatment ranges from using waste as a fuel source for cooking or heating, to fuel for boilers to generate steam and electricity in a turbine. Pyrolysis and gasification are two related forms of thermal treatment where waste materials are heated to high temperatures with limited oxygen availability. The process typically occurs in a sealed vessel under high pressure. Pyrolysis of solid waste converts the material into solid, liquid and gas products. The liquid and gas can be burnt to produce energy or refined into other products. The solid residue (char) can be further refined into products such as activated carbon. Gasification is used to convert organic materials directly into a synthetic gas (syngas) composed of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The gas is then burnt to produce electricity and steam.

  2. The current method of waste management, altho may not be advanced, are the three Rs:  recovery, recycling and removal.

    Recovery from the waste producing sources (houses, factories, shops, markets, hospitals, everywhere) by trucks.  And bringing these to recycling centers where the useful materials (paper, plastics, wood, bottles, glasses, etc) are segregated into bins for delivery to factories that recycle these materials into other products.  And those remaining materials, which cannot be recycled, are trucked into open pits where these are chemically treated and earth is poured over it and left there in small hills to decay naturally. In the future, methane can be harnessed from these waste hills for heating and run small biogas machines for electricity.  These are the current methods and since no new methods are introduced and in  use, then these current methods are considered successful in clearing wastes.

  3. Vermacasting and worm farms are the latest in waste management.

    Anyone can start a worm farm at home.  Worms eat the garbage and  produce vermacast which is the most natural and richest organic fertilizer for any plant.

  4. They now can burn it at such high tempatures to get rid of the  harmful gasses

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