
What are the daily things you tell yourself to get by ...? =) ?

by  |  earlier

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Mine is : Keep It Simple ...

Thanks friends =)





  1. Keep Calm and Carry On

  2. One thing at a time.

    If I'm not careful I'll be trying to do 7 or 8 things at once, while I'm worrying so much about everything that my head takes off without me and the next thing you know I'm about to panic over something that won't matter for six more months when I haven't even figured out where my shoes are yet.

  3. Things can only get better!

  4. I know this is wrong of me, but I tell myself off.  

    Like I used to be able to go out or work so I should be able to do those things now and to stop being silly.

    I know I have to find a way to stop beating myself up.

    x*x :-)))

  5. Any day I can get out of bed and see the floor is a good day.

    I am not only have mental health issues, I survived Hodgkin's Lymphoma. So as long as I know I am breathing, even if I am really in the dumps, I know I am alive.


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