
What are the dangers associated with attempts to control weather?

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What are the dangers associated with attempts to control weather?




  1. Just remember... It's not nice to mess with mother nature!

  2. Probably it might create natural disasters. It would cause an imbalance in nature and the consequence would create this.

  3. We may accidentally cause severe storms.  

  4. did u say people r attempting to control weather???  who is this, I'd like them to know that they can't control the weather, no matter how hard they try.

  5. Attempts to control weather may accidentally result in hail or wind damage resulting in crop loss, angry farmers and potential law suits.  At one time experiments were conducted to influence hurricanes but it occurred to someone that if a hurricane was diverted from City A to City B, City B might sue the experimenters.

  6. There are many; and though the idea may sound good on paper or during discussion, Mother Nature has a mind of its own. One example is seeding hurricanes.They had to abandon it. Recently I watched a program on Discovery Channel. Scientists want to do something about global warming and all the carbon dioxide in the air.It sounds good; but there is a cycle - sun, moon, stars, tides, plants,animals and man because the universe has order. I believe that when we try to correct one situation, man creates another more calamatous.Our body has to be purged and so does the earth. It does not hurt to try; but if it doesn't fit, don't force it.

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