
What are the dangers of eating animal protien?

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What are the dangers of eating animal protien?




  1. Heart disease and mad cow disease.

  2. Mad Cow Disease.

    Heart Problems

    Fatty Acids


    Food Poisoning

    Cholersterol Problems.:)

  3. Large amounts of

    1.) cholesterol,

    2.) transfat,

    3.) saturated fat

    All these link to heart disease.

    Animal meat has high amounts of bacteria. To prevent food poisoning, meat companies give large amounts of anti-biotics to their animals AND spray it on the meat. As a result, you eat these antibiotics. Large doses isnt' good.

    Large amounts of hormones. This increases the chances of cancer.

    The amount of beef products America eats has increased the number of adults with colon cancer. Hope you enjoy colonoscopies!!

    You have a chance of picking up a parasite.

  4. Animal protein is linked with higher risks of osteoporosis, kidney disease and kidney stone formation when consumed in excess.  

    Our body can't store excess protein!

  5. As with anything, too much isn't a good thing. The danger isn't the protein, but other factors involved with consuming meats.

    If you're going to consume animal protein, best to stick with lean meats (pork loin, skinless chicken breast, whitefish) in moderation.

    Saying it's animal protein does not make it any different than other protein. It is only identifying the source. So proteins from other sources, such as beans, are the same proteins and are used by our bodies in the same way.

  6. Protein?

    How can you just eat the animal protein without eating the other parts?  Please explain this?  Thank you.

    Ooooh, I see, you have been listening to all that propaganda that basically switches the word "meat" for "protein".  No no no... protein is not meat, and meat is not protein.  Sorry.  The words are not interchangeable.

    I think what you should ask is, "...dangers of eating animal products."

    Basically, humans are not 'designed' to digest animal products, therefore, it caused problems.  Just like putting diesel fuel in your gasoline vehicle... it will still work, but no, not very well at all.

    The dangers are that your system will get clogged up... just as the gasoline car would.  Fats and cholesterol that cannot be digested properly will affect blood flow, just as the oil in diesel will affect the gas vehicle.  Performance will be hindered.  The vehicle will not function properly or at its best.  Eventually, it will live a shorter life due to all this stress. one day it may even become clogged and die suddenly.

    Well, that's just one of many 'dangers'.

  7. But although everyone has been answering with all these supposed dangers - they only tend to happen when consumed in very high amounts or in excess remember!!

  8. There are no dangers of eating animal protein. Like many things there are dangers of eating too much of it, or eating tainted product.

    But considering the spinach situation last year, the tainted thing is not exactly limited to meat is it?

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