
What are the dangers of loving another person with too much intensity?

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  1. Heartbreak, sorrow and regret.

  2. A abusive relationship.

  3. Getting hurt really bad, possibly beyond repair in situations like this:

    Them looking right at you, knowing they are betraying you, while you stare back at them, and tell them how much you trust them, and love them.  

    I don't know if "danger" is the right word for that though. That sort of thing is built in to life, you know? Although,  Loving some one with too much intensity, or even just loving someone at all is risky, because there are dangers. But is it the intense lovers fault? it's like russian roullette. I'm tempted to say "unless you find the right person" but the right person might do the wrong thing sometimes.  

  4. Danger of loosing your own personality.

  5. Depends on what that love is like. Is it true love...where u r accepting and u give the person some space. Or is it obsessive needy love...where there is too much jealousy, insecurity, demands and clinginess going on. Intense love... it can be good if it's balanced and can destroy both and the relation if it's off-balance.

    Loving too much can also bring bout the danger of letting life go waiting for that person to return. It can be the danger of letting other opportunities slip by becoz u r too into the person u love, even though he/she is not around and is not reciprocating (unrequited love). i have known people who never married after they broke up. I knew of a person whose break-up with his GF he loved to death during his college days made him so devastated that he chose never to marry his entire life.

    it's very easy to get carried away in love .... one has to be careful to love in a way that does not hurt/pain the other person. otherwise, love can easily become selfish, if we are doing that.

    It is all our we choose to love and live our life ultimately. If we find meaning in being a certain way, go for it. As they say, everything happens for the best. I have belief in that.

  6. now to love Jesus like this is wonderful....I highly recommend it!

    but humans can and do break your heart....

    like the old adage " to much to fast.... will make you sick.....been there done that, messy divorce, lotta hurt feelings, and cost a fortune...

    took me over 9 years to recover.....

    don't rush it if its true love it will wait.... trust me on this one

  7. What can be dangerous about loving selflessly asking for nothing in return. My wife and I have been doing this for more then 50 years and it hasn't caused us any harm yet. Our 3 kids, 6 Grand kids and 2 Great Grand kids seem to like it.

  8. you will hate the same person with same intensity, just matter of time.

  9. The only most heart-breaking danger is of losing one's sanity or will to live,  when the other person dies...Otherwise nothing matches the feeling of loving (and being loved) with intensity...and it never seems too much!

  10. growing to hate them with the same consuming intensity.

  11. Obsessional compulsive disorder is an extreme form, yet isn't relevant here because it is no longer love but loathing, anger or resentment.

    Intense love for another is a wonderful way to live. Being in love is man at his best, I love often simply for the feeling of swooning, dreaming, inspiring great poetry, listening to songs that take on a new meaning, enjoy it while it lasts.

  12. It may become an obsession.

  13. Anything "too much", even when it comes to the finest feelings, distorts Balance.

    Loving with too much intensity might become obsession,  Might make the person bossy, selfish and almost tyrannical . Both people would suffer from this.

  14. Being crushed by the weight of reality when one shakes off the chosen illusion and delusions and awakens to the objective true nature of supposed romance.

    Such a love is a "desire", which obscures ones sight.

    Such leads to suffering.

    Be well and, please, be wise.

  15. "Too much intensity" will be smothering.

    You will 'kill the thing you love', and

    injure yourself as well.

  16. hot flashes

    a burning sensation in your heart

  17. I can think of one danger of loving another with too much intensity and that is losing yourself as an individual and basing your life upon that person. Usually people do not think love is a bad thing and I would agree, love is needed and desired. I could never accept the concept that I love my children too much, I love them more then myself. Yet, I know there is going to come a time when they are grown and will leave the nest and I have to have the love for them to step back instead of blending my existence just upon their being with me.

    I also think you see this with some married couples. Let's take an older married couple that have been together for over 20 years (though years does not matter in love), but one spouse dies and the other is living. The living spouse grieves, but also problems can arise that the living spouse ceases to live because he or she does not really know their identity, only the "us" that was involved. I do not see love as a danger, but I do feel one needs to be careful to understand that you can love someone with great intensity, but still you are an individual.

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