
What are the dangers of nuclear power / energy?

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  1. Below are several websites that list the dangers of nuclear power / energy.  

    The environmental damage if an accident happens are too great.

    It's a great source of energy if used and managed correctly.

  2. google Chernobyl.

    there are farms in north england where there are still restrictions on moving animals due to lingering radiation 20 years later.

  3. I think the Hanford Nuclear facility is a great example of why nuclear energy can be so dangerous.  It's currently the largest environmental cleanup in the world and if the cleanup doesn't proceed on time the waste could reach the Columbia River.

    Granted, if the waste were cleaned up properly it wouldn't be a danger (and they are coming up with new ways to trap nuclear waste inside of glass).  Nuclear waste is really volatile and dangerous, but be we are finding ways to deal with it, and it's clean other than the waste we have to clean up.

  4. I love this article I linked to below. Everyone should read it.

    16 Dirty Secrets About Nuclear Power

  5. It's a good deal safer than anything else we've got.  Dams break, coal mines blow up, but nuclear reactors just sit there and quietly get hot to boil water for steam turbines.  There have been zero deaths associated with nuclear power in the US in the last sixty years, and no radiation-related injuries, either.  

    The oft-cited problems with nuclear waste, terrorism, and contamination of the soil and water are entirely hypothetical: none have ever occurred.

  6. Nuclear power is cleaner than fossil plants and they are jsut as safe.. there hasnt been a nuclear power plant scare in a long long time.. I think there should be more to meet the demand of rising power needs and maybe help the control the rising cost.

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