
What are the dangers of trespassing???

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  1. Most common thing would be........................

    Shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or both such fine and imprisonment...............................

    Or shot as well.......................

  2. None at all off you go, let us all know how you get on.

  3. You could get arrested or in some states shot.

  4. Depending on where you are and the time of day, you might get shot. You can be arrested (usually requires that your were warned but a sign is sufficient in some US states). You can be charged with a variety of secondary crimes: trespassing while armed is a felony, home invasion is a felony, trespassing on military or federal property is usually a felony, illegal entry into an occupied building is usually a felony, if firearms, explosives, or certain other restricted chemicals are present trespass is a usually felony, hunting with out permission is usually a misdemeanor but not if land is posted or you have been verbally warned. Then it can be a felony. If you are under 12 or are mentally incompetent, you are less likely to be charged but still might get shot.

  5. me

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