
What are the demographics of Talk Radio listeners?

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What is the typical age, education, and other characteristics of the listeners to Rush Limbaugh and his competition?




  1. Is this a rhetorical question?

    The answer may depend on why you are asking...

  2. I am not sure of the demographics, but I did read a poll that claimed they were the most informed group when it came to political news and issues, and being able to name the  individuals serving in government.

  3. All over the map, more males than females. More older than younger.

  4. White men-- the racist ones mostly.

  5. Why not do your own poll?

    Age:  48

    Race:  Caucasian

    Politics:  Conservative

    s*x:  Male

    Education:  College degree

    Veteran:  Navy

    Home base:  Missouri

    Occupation:  Technical

    Marriage status:  Single

    Vote?:  Every single election

  6. All kinds of people

  7. 49 Bachelors and drive at night

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