
What are the deseases which could happen in burma because fo the typoon disaster?

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What are the deseases which could happen in burma because fo the typoon disaster?




  1. Dysentary,   Malaria,  hepatitus to name a few.

  2. The diseases that are most likely to occur are ones that are water-borne.  If sanitation conditions are poor and clean drinking water isn't available, people are likely to get malaria, yellow fever, and other diseases that used to be more common in our country before good water systems were installed.  Even if bottled water was brought in for drinking, mosquitoes that carry disease will nest in the standing water left by a storm unless the water is treated to keep their eggs from hatching.

  3. Others answerers have emphasised on waterborne diseases; I may add 'malnutrition' and 'malnourishment' leading to some more diseases, weakening body immunity. Lastly the trauma may add to Psychological illnesses. All medical aid effort needs to address a comprehensive package of 'waterborne, nutritional and psychological' ailments. Unless there is a holistic approach the authorities will only be compounding the problems.

    Is someone listening....?

  4. all water borne disease.

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