
What are the device to handle misbehavior?

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What are the device to handle misbehavior?




  1. If students aren't behaving in the way they are expected to, I have a system in place.

    First time - I give them a warning.  Usually a look or I walk over to their work space or something else that lets them know they need to change their behavior.

    Second time - They are excused from the room, briefly.  I send them to the hallway where I can talk with them privately.  This is when I check in to see if something is bothering them or making them upset that I don't know about.  We chat, try and clear things up, and then they return to the room.

    Third time - They have broken the contract and fill out a contract sheet to be taken home and signed by parents.  This is their chance to explain it to their parents before I have to call.  If it isn't returned signed, then we call home the next day at recess.  I always have the student make the phone call in front of me.

    Fourth time (if there is one) - Same process only the principal is involved.

    Fifth time (never had one yet) - conference with parents, student, principal, and teacher.

  2. Cell phone - call their parents right in front of them and have them explain why you are calling mommy or daddy at work about their behavior.  I only had to do it once when I was a middle school teacher because word sure got around fast that I would

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