
What are the difference between an avi video and an mvi one. How one can convert from one system to the other?

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What are the difference between an avi video and an mvi one. How one can convert from one system to the other?




  1. Guest55980

     Avdshare Video Converter works good,you can have a try.

  2. with a mvi converter

  3. This Video Converter is a powerful one that can convert videos to any format and put video on any players.

    Also it support various video formats. You can convert video between all popular video formats.

    There is the free download link:

    There is an Unbiased reviews and side-by-side comparisons of video Converters and gives you enough information to research the ins and outs of a particular product:

    Also, you can google some other software:

  4. I usually use Nidesoft video converter to convert video files and it works very well for me. it can convert between almost all popular video and audio formats in high quality at fast speed.  so i recommend you to use it

    you can free download it here and have a try:

    hope it can help u

  5. they are different formats, avi is a better format and you can convert then with an avi to mvi converter or vise verca

  6. i imagin ur using a canon camera. you should change the file extension by renaming and goin .avi and then if need be use a any video converter to convert them to anything else its free!:

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Latest activity: 9 years, 2 month(s) ago.
This question has 6 answers.


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