
What are the difference between the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda?

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The Belgians made the Tutsis different than the Hutus because of something one of them did.




  1. The Tutsis, also known as Watutsis, were a nomadic people who began arriving in the Great Lakes region from Ethiopia some four hundred years ago. Eventually, the Tutsis settled amongst the Hutus - adopting their language, beliefs and customs.

    The Belgians, who ruled what would later become Rwanda and Burundi, forced Hutus and Tutsis to carry ethnic identity cards. The colonial administrators further exacerbated divisions by only allowed Tutsis to attain higher education and hold positions of power.

    When the Belgian colonists conducted their censuses, they desired to classify the people throughout Ruanda-Urundi with a single classification scheme. They merely defined "Tutsi" as anyone with more than ten cows or a long nose, while a "Hutu" meant someone with fewer than ten cows and a blunt nose.

    The description is that Tutsis tend to be taller, with relatively thin or "lanky" frames, and have pointed noses and more "European" or Caucasoid facial features; whereas, Hutus are more average in height and stocky in body frame. Which has proven to not be true any longer.

    The only true difference is the false lines of two races created by the Belguims. They carry the same blood.

  2. They made them drink Hoegaarden white beer.

  3. The Hutus are eating very well... they are eating the Tutsis.

    There is no difference between them other than one has guns and the other does not... just like what will happen in the U.S. if Billary has her way and takes the guns away so only the opposing tribes and the thugs will have them... and the so will the military... which is part of the opposing tribe.

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