
What are the differences and distinct definitions of poetry, prose, and drama.?

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I need to know what the definitions of poetry, prose, and drama are, and need pretty detailed comparisons and definitions so I can finish writing an English paper. Thanks!




  1. What are the differences and distinct definitions of poetry, prose, and drama.?

    Please go to this web page in my web site and you will see every style of poem there is... There are hundreds and hundreds of different styles

    of Poetry [and a detailed explanation] listed for you to choose from here:

         Jim Nasium


    "Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through numerous and drastic reinvention over time. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define."


    "Prose is writing distinguished from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and its closer resemblance to everyday speech. The word prose comes from the Latin prosa, meaning straightforward, hence the term "prosaic," which is often seen as pejorative."


    "A composition, in prose or poetry, accommodated to action, and intended to exhibit a picture of human life, or to depict a series of grave or humorous actions of more than ordinary interest, tending toward some striking result. It is commonly designed to be spoken and represented by actors on the stage."

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