
What are the differences between 1st,2nd and 3rd degree burns??

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  1. More simply, 1st degree the skin is red.  2nd degree the skin is red and blistered.  3rd degree the skin is black charred looking.

  2. The degree refers to which layers of flesh are burned. 1st degree only damages the outer the layer, but doesn't completely penetrate the epidermis. These are usually red/white in appearance, hurt mildly, and non-critical.

    2nd degree penetrates the epidermis and into the dermis. This is usually when blistering occurs and pealing, and are more prone to infection. They also hurt the most.

    3rd degree burns penetrate into subcutaneous fat and some muscle and damage nerves. This usually actually don't hurt (except near the edges) due to nerve death, and have a charred appearance.

    2nd degree burns have a risk of fluid and heat loss, as well as severe infection. 3rd degree burns have the same risks, just amplified. It's generally hard to differentiate between 2nd and 3rd degree, so they're often treated the same.

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