
What are the differences between British prisons and U.S. prisons?

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What are the differences between British prisons and U.S. prisons?




  1. Here is the difference, this is an article from a British newspaper about a prisoner serving time in a British jail:

    Donal Kelleher, 37, an inmate at HMP Cardiff, said that his en suite accommodation was "outstanding" and disclosed that he was paid £10 a week – to study for a maths GCSE – which he spends on cigarettes, chocolate and "other luxury goods".

    A prison officer who has worked at Cardiff for 15 years said last week that inmates were simply sitting in their cells watching snooker on television or playing computer games.

    He added that a new health care centre put local hospitals "to shame" and made it easier to see a dentist than on the "outside". The extraordinary claims were made after The Daily Telegraph disclosed last week that a prison officers' leader said jails had become so comfortable that some inmates were ignoring chances to escape.

    Glyn Travis, the assistant general secretary of the Prison Officers Association, said the latest disclosure confirmed his fears and that "we need to address the root of what prisons are all about".

    Kelleher, a former Welsh Guard, stabbed his wife Leanne seven times in the chest and back after she told him she was leaving him. He was jailed in 2005.

    But writing to a local newspaper from prison, he said: "I am better off in here. I could only imagine how cold it was this winter living on the streets."

    Kelleher added: "May I just say that the food and accomadation (sic) is of outstanding quality here. We have coulour (sic) TVs, on sweet (sic) facilities, everything is provided for us eg toiletries, laundry."

    He stated that the education department at Cardiff was of a "very high standard".

    He said: "I'm currently doing a GCSE grade in maths which I am paid ten pound a week to achieve which I can spend on tobbacco (sic), chocolate and other luxury goods." The inmate signed the letter "Donal Kelleher, Prisoner No. GE7247, HMP Cardiff". David Davies, the Conservative MP for Monmouth, visited the prison last year.

    He said: "I saw prisoners sitting in their cells watching television and playing computer games.

    "It seems to be an unwritten rule if they are left alone to do whatever they want they won't cause any trouble."

    "They have a right to be treated humanely but we have to remember they are in prison to be punished." Sian West, the governor of Cardiff prison said last night: "It's ludicrous to say that prison is cushy."

    She added: "We endeavour to challenge all prisoners

    to use their time in Cardiff constructively.

    "Television sets purchased for in-cell prisoner use are paid for by the weekly rental fee of £1 paid by prisoners.

    "TVs can and will be removed from prisoners whose behaviour is deemed unacceptable."

  2. No death row.

  3. The U.S. prison system is seriously messed up and it's profitable from using inmates for labour

  4. The accent ...............................

    Good Luck

  5. No doubt its the prisoner friendly Governors in the UK

    The ones that take more time listening to prisoners and not their staff who have to deal with them

  6. homosexuality is not tolerated in our (british) prisons.

  7. the cockmeat sandwich

    (reffering to Harold & Kumar, Escape from Guantamo Bay - movie)

  8. British prisons are more like holiday camps these days, it's no wonder re-offending is on the increase.

    Don't know if its just in the movies, but chain gangs should be used over here, get them sewing mail bags or, enlisted into the forces.


  9. one is in britain and one in the U.S

    tend to find that british prisons are more leniant than U.S jails. give parole easier and also release or lower the prisoners sentence for good behaviour. U.S jails tend to make a decision and stick with it

  10. I would say the racial make up.

  11. You get raped more in the US prisons.

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