
What are the differences between Germany and America?

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I mean modern day Germany and modern day America. What is the difference?




  1. You can breathe there.  Germany is so incredibly clean I couldn't believe it.  Also the rail system rocks.

  2. hey I´m an exchange student from germany and at the moment I am in the US, in this case sry for my english.... Germany is very different from the US, but that we german don´t have humor is wrong! Germany is at first smaller than the Us then if you compare the cities and buildings etc, we don´t have everything far away from each other thing normally, not every house has a front and back yard etc. then a really nice thing is if your are going to Germany we have buses and trains, which allow you to travel nearly to every city in germany where you want to go and the most times you are faster than you go by car.

    if you wanna have more nformation contact me, I would be glad to tell you more

  3. Geography.  Germany is in Europe.  America (meaning USA) is in North America.  Plus, most "Americans" (USA) speak English and a good number speak Spanish.  Most Germans speak German and the number who speak Spanish is much   less.

    I hope that answers your question.

  4. different continents                amerika/europe

    USA is a superpower             Germany is not

    USA has nuclear weapons    Germany not

    war                                         Germany ist not involved in any war

    different currency                   usd/dollar

    head of the country                us-male/germany-female

    citizen                                     no afro-germans

    different law on weapons  

    different language                   english/german

    different schoolsystem

    different labour laws                i.e. opening hours of stores,

                                                     working hours, sick days etc

    banks                                       German bank system is more


    different tax system

    different socilal system            unemployment, sick leave etc.

    prices of property                     much cheaper in the us

    different transportation             train- and bus system im Germany

                                                     is much better

    different technology                 us is more advance

    rules on smokers                     much stricter in USA

    death sentence                        partly in the states, not in Germany

    Army                                         Germans are not in combat

    dark bread                                you won't find that in USA

    shopping                                   no ID required in Germany when

                                                      you buy tabaco or alkohol

    Holidays                                    are different

    last not least, even modern Germany has a culture and a history

  5. Well, I have lived, worked, and studied in both,  and I would say this:

    In the US, there is this exciting feeling shared by almost everyone that things are going splendidly and that opportunity is only a few minutes away, that great success can be had by anyone, at any time. Even though bogus of course, this feels much nicer than Germany's traditionally gloomy "we're all going to h**l in a handbasket" attitude.

    Other than that, you might find that the real cost of living in the US, if you insure yourself as comprehensively as is compulsory in Germany, is actually higher than in Germany. Add to that a population that is basically armed to their teeth, gets very little holidays, works long work days (40-hour week), a strong whiff of xenophobia, especially when you dare express criticism (just wait, my email will have them howling with dismay again, it's such a joke), and an amazingly religious streak with weird extremes (there is a Christian Right - can you imagine that?), and you have a few stressors on your hands.

    I personally couldn't stand either country long, so I've found myself a different one, but that's another story.

  6. Germans dont have sense of humour

  7. the whole culture is different, you can't really go into it, it would take forever. i lived in germany for 12 years and america for the other 10. i prefer the states but germany has great qualities. it's so old and beautiful in places, especially the black forest, where i was born.

  8. america has a lot more personal rights and freedoms. and a different language. alot of the life-styles are the smae but some traditions differ between countries due to historical events or happenings.

  9. Germany has a univeral healthcare system and the U.S. does not.

    Germany is the largest economy in Europe, and the United States is the largest economy in the world.

    The United States is more socially and economically conservative.

  10. First of all the language. You speak german in germany. Most germans know at least one other language, mainly english. They usually learn it in school for a couple of years.

    Everything seems to be smaller. You won't find too many people living on an acre lot, and it not being a farm.

    Bus and train system is really great. Most the times you don't need a car to get to places. You can rely on a bus or train.

    If you go shopping, you usually do that downtown. We do have malls, but not many. There is usually one street in each town, where all the stores are.

  11. A lot of the things listed here are different...The one that cracks me up it how environmentally (advanced) clean and knit picky germany is but if you go into almost any restaurant you can hardly breathe from all the smoke.... kind of ironic...LOL

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