
What are the differences between and African and black woman?

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I mean I notice that even though they sometimes share the same complexions, there culture are still different my friend who is Arab who is very outpoken, pointed out that African girls really care about their education and built a foundation of achievement for themselves in America, while black girls have no respect for their elders or care for education. I told her that her statement was insulting that there are black woman who care for the value of education, and then I told her to shut up because I was furious...




  1. It's not about race, it's about culture and morals.  I think there might be a little truth to what the Arab girl said in generalities, of course.  I'm sure you know plenty of people who work hard to educate themselves and reach for a better life.  That's the way it should be.  Regardless of race,  many poorer people from other countries see America as a land of opportunity.  They know that if they are willing to work hard and develop their talents, they can have a better life too. Generally, regardless of race, in the past few decades,  there seems to be a growing population of Americans who have a sense of entitlement. They are Americans who don't have a moral work ethic,  they just  have their hand out  waiting on the government to take care of them.  I live in Memphis, TN. This is a good example of what happens to a city when able bodied people on welfare begin to outnumber the working taxpayers.  Taxes keep going up to support the lazy, then the taxpayers leave. It is a vicious cycle that promotes gang activity, crime, and blight.  My friend is a cop here. He can't begin to count the number of people he has hauled in for stealing cars or burglary - that's their immoral work ethic - who also get a check from the government.  If more able bodied Americans would strive for independance from the welfare system, then our country wouldn't have to overtax the honest workers.  By the way, I know there are plenty of people who rightfully deserve to be on welfare, I'm not talking about them.  I also know that there are more white people on welfare in this country than black people, so I'm not trying to blame it on race.  I blame it on bad morals and a culture of dependance rather than self-sufficiency.

  2. Individuals - why do people have to look at a persons race all the time? Your Arab friend is a bit racist.

    Personality and goal-drive all depends on individuals not race.

    The difference between African and black women is that African women are from Africa. Black women are from America (generally)

  3. Yep your friend "don't matter her race" doesn't sound very enlightened.

  4. culture

  5. Your friend is totally ignorant and shallow. The only difference is that African women is from Africa and a black woman is usually a woman from America.  Your friend needs a lesson on sensitivity...and she doesn't appear to be too educated since she made this foul statement. I think you need to get another friend. Good Luck!

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