
What are the differences between civilization and culture?

by Guest32587  |  earlier

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What are the differences between civilization and culture?




  1. There is a relationship between the arrangement of a society and the customs, art and spiritual practices of the people.

    The differences are defined as origin, race or ethnicity - I think?

  2. Civilization is the origin of the group or country, and culture are the traditions of that group.

  3. culture is what humans use to adapt and survive, as opposed to how animals and plants biologically adapt. language, religion, art, technology, society, etc. are under the blanket of culture.

    civilizations are groups of humans, arbitrally designated. the Mayans and Romans were civilizations just as Americans or Californians can be called civilizations.

  4. Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.

    Civilization is a complex society that has cities, social classes, and government. Culture is just one aspect of civilization.

    It's possible for a culture to exist without civilization, but a civilization cannot exist without culture.

  5. civilize = to educate(primitive people) to a higher level of society

    civilization= regular civilized way of conducting society.

    culture=cultivation of plants/growing of germs/civilization.

    also stalin/hitler/castro thought  to conduct society very well.

  6. a civilization is a society that may or may not have culture.

    you dot gots to have art to have civilization

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