
What are the differences between males and females?

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other than our reproductive organs...




  1. The main difference, albeit a generalization, is that men tend to be left-brain dominant, and women, right-brain dominant...

    The left-brain governs the linear, time, movement, strategy, mathematics, logic, testosterone...

    The right-brain is more focused on nurturing, art, music, language, social interaction, estrogen...

  2. pee pees and hoo haws.....

  3. Me and women are psychologically different.  men are simple minded creatures, women are more complex in their thought patterns, when I have issues with a dude I know that we can fight it out and win, lose or draw, it's over.  Women plan and scheme and are scarier when it comes to vengence.  Plus men cheat on their partners because of proximity, women cheat out of emotion.

  4. While there are numerous observable traits, these I think are the ones I can think of:

    Males: muscular (especially upper body wise), taller, darker skin complexion, aggressive, thicker bones (in general, more robusticity), larger weight

    Females: Flexible (especially in the pelvic area), shorter, lighter skin complexion, less weight.

  5. i would say body frames. but have you seen serena williams?

  6. Something smells fishy???

  7. I know female clowns taste funny.

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