
What are the differences between prostaglandins and prostacyclins?

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I mix both terms :( can anyone help?




  1. well to begin with prostagladins and prostacyclins are both part of the eicosanoids class which is a type of lipid derivative. Prostagladins are a second group of eicosanoids which are within each tissue, the prostagladins that are realseased are involved primarily in coordinating local cellular activities. In some cases the prostagladins are converted into prostacylins, which is the only main thing that I can think of.  They are both carbon chains and side rings built from fatty acids and cholesterol.. you should check out the chemical structure of each compound and analyze from there.

  2. Prostaglandines areare compounds found in the mammalian body. These originate from polyunsaturated , fatty acids which contain20 carbon atoms. Such fatty acids are called Eiconasoids.

    The functions of the prostaglandins are, by their action as local hormones. The functions are

    1. stimulation of the production of ovarian hormones

    2, inhibition of gastric secretion

    3.uterine contraction

    4. lowering the bloodpressure

    5. generation of the inflammatory process

    Prostacyclines are closely related and are derived like the prostaglandins. There are many classes of prostacyclines.

    An important member is PGI-2 produced by vascular endothelial cells and inhibits platelet aggregation,promotes vasodilatation and impedes clotting of blood

  3. you know to be honest i am not to familiar with prostacyclins,  however their role may beinvolved in cell cycling and differentiation  since   cyclin molecules are associated with this process.  As for prostaglandins,  they are a broad class of molecules who's roles include cholesterol biosynthesis, hormone biosythesis,  inflamation response, cell death and even cell survival.   It is true that both of these groups are derivatives of the eicosinoid family of lipids, which are essentially 20+ carbon lipids,  and thus must share some common biosynthesis pathway.

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