
What are the differences in benefits from drinking white tea and green tea?

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What are the differences in benefits from drinking white tea and green tea?




  1. green tea is most likely the healthiest, because it is matured white tea, there for it has more vitamins, minerals, and the all important antioxidants:D ! I lov tea, so i know a ton of facts about it!

    ~hope i helped


  2. While all tea is considered to be healthy (excluding heavily caffeinated and sugared teas) green tea tends to be regarded as the healthiest of teas. While white tea has lower caffeine levels and more anti viral and anti bacterial properties than green tea, green tea is loaded with anti oxidants that can prevent diseases, including cancer.

  3. Good question.  I've always heard that green is the best.  It's made from more mature leaves, whereas white tea is made from younger leaves.  Green is also better than black.  

    Check out to further confuse yourself.  :)

  4. I heard that White Tea was helthier.

  5. The health benefits are essentially the same for green and white tea, but white tea contains up to three times as much antioxidants as green tea.  

    The main antioxidant is the same for the two teas (EGCG, epogallocatechin gallate), but since the concentration in white tea is higher, it's a fair bet that white tea is better for you.

    At the same time, white tea usually contains less caffeine than green tea, so you can drink more of it without getting jittery.

    White tea is slightly more expensive than green tea, but you still get more health benefits for the same dollar amount with white tea.

  6. the benefits are essentially the same as some people have said.  Although green tea has gotten more publicity because it's been studied more, but white tea is even less processed than green, so there shouldn't be significant differences in health benefits.

  7. Green tea is better for you.

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