
What are the different ages for different years/grades in america?

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i hear grade 6 7 8 9 and all this in films and that everywhere but im not sure what they all mean... what is sophmor and the rest? freshmin? what is this ??




  1. Here are the lists and average ages

    First grade age 7

    Second grade age 8

    Third grade age 9

    Fourth grade age 10

    Fifth grade age 11

    Sixth grade age 12

    Seventh grade age 13

    Eighth grade age 14

    Ninth grade (freshman) age 15

    Tenth grade (sophomore) age 16

    Eleventh grade (junior) age 17

    Twelth grade (senior) age 18  

  2. The age level your supposed to be varies on what part of the U.s. you live in, like when I lived in texas I was starting first grade and I was 6 going on 7, but when i moved to north carolina (6th grade 11 going on 12) everyone was younger than me by a year they were all 10 turning 11 or already..

    For most schools the grades go like this:

    Elementary school -

    Kindergarten (age 5, 6)

    First Grade (age 6, 7)

    Second Grade (age 7, 8)

    Third Grade (8, 9)

    Fourth Grade (9, 10)

    Fifth Grade (10, 11)

    Middle School -

    Sixth Grade (11, 12)

    Seventh Grade - (12, 13)

    Eight Grade - (13, 14)

    High School -

    Ninth Grade - (14, 15 FRESHMEN)

    Tenth Grade - (15, 16 SOPHOMORE)

    Eleventh Grade - (16 - 17 JUNIOR)

    Twelth Grade - (17- 18 SENIOR)

    but it differs in different places...though

  3. Elementray school

    Grades 1-4

    Middle school or Junoir High school

    Grades 5-8

    High School

    9th grade=Freshman (14-15 yrs old)

    10th grade=Sophmore (15-16 yrs old)

    11th grade=Junior (16-17 yrs old)

    12th grade=Senior (17-18 yrs old)

  4. freshman~ 1st year in high school (9th grade) 14or 15 yrs old

    sophmore~ 2nd year in high school (10th grade)15 or 16 yrs old

    junior~ 3rd year in high school (11th grade)16 or 17 yrs old

    senior ~4th year in high school (12th grade) 17 or 18 yrs old

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