
What are the different between unicellular organism & multicellular organism?

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What are the different between unicellular organism & multicellular organism?




  1. Unicellular means one celled organism where all the functions that a living organism perfroms are performed by the same cell. There is no division of functions.Multicellular organism has many cells which are differentiated into tissues and organs. The necessary functions are performed by those tissues and organs.  

  2. Refer these links: The 2 nd link has a word can save it in ur computer and take a printout and use it in the future also.

  3. unicellular organisms are made of one cell-ex. amoebas, paramecium

    multicellular organisms are made of more than one cell--worms, dogs, people, trees, etc...

  4. a unicellular organism wud have to do everything onits own, but a multicellular organism exhibits division of labour

  5. multicellular means more then one cell like us.. we divide our cells billions of times in a specific manner to get to what we are. one cell opperates on just one.. so they are the size of our skin cells or any other cell and do not separate to become a larger organizum(or how ever you sell that)


  6. one has one cell (uni = 1) and the other has a lot (multi = lots)

    Chin up Charlie

  7. unicellular: one cell

    multicellular: multiple cells

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